History of Node.js on a Timeline
We’ve been publishing articles on Node.js for over a year now, and since 2015 was quite a year for Node.js, we thought it’d be interesting to look back at what exactly happened to Node.js so far, from the point where it was born.
This is the history of Node.js on a timeline, from 2009 until now (December 2015):
- Node.js 现在有了一个名字
- npm(Node 包管理器)初次发布早期预览版
- Ryan Dahl (Node.js 作者) 的 Node.js 原始演讲
- Ryan Dahl 在 JSConf 会议上第一次展示 Node.js
- Express:一个 Node.js web 开发框架
- Socket.io 首次发布
- 在 Heroku 上体验 Node.js
- Ryan Dahl 在 Google Tech Talk 上谈 Node.js
- Node.js 0.2.0 版本发布
- Node.js 指南
- 在 Reddit 上,向 Ryan Dahl 提问
- npm 1.0:发布
- Node 新手书,an introduction to Node.js, 刚刚完成
- A comprehensive Node.js tutorial for beginners.
- LinkedIn 开始使用 Node.js
- LinkedIn launched its completely overhauled mobile app with new features and new parts under the hood.
- Ryan Dahl 谈 Node.js 历史以及创建原因
- Uber 在生产环境中使用 Node.js
- Uber Engineering Manager Curtis Chambers explains why his company completely re-engineered their application using Node.js to increase efficiency and improve the partner and customer experience.
- Ghost:使用 Node.js 写的博客
- Ghost is an open source publishing platform which is beautifully designed,easy to use, and free for everyone.
- MEAN 技术栈:MongoDB、ExpressJS、AngularJS 和 Node.js
- eBay 编写第一个 Node.js 应用的经验
- 沃尔玛公司的 Node.js 内存泄露
- Eran Hammer of Wal-Mart labs came to the Node.js core team complaining of a memory leak he had been tracking down for months.
- PayPal 发布了 Kraken,一个 Node.js 框架
- "Gives your Node.js express apps some extra arms"
- Koa - 下一代 Node.js Web framework
- TJ Fontaine 接手领导 Node 项目
- Node.js 顾问委员会
- Joyent and several members of the Node.js community announced a proposal for a Node.js Advisory Board as a next step towards a fully open governance model for the Node.js open source project.
- Node.js in Flame Graphs - Netflix
- IO.js - Evented I/O for V8 Javascript
- IO.js 1.0.0 发布
- Joyent 推进建立 Node.js 基金会
- Joyent, IBM, Microsoft, PayPal, Fidelity, SAP and The Linux Foundation Join Forces to Support Node.js Community With Neutral and Open Governance
- IO.js 和 Node.js 和解提案
- npm 支持私有模块
- Node 项目领导人 TJ Fontaine 逐步解除核心身份并离开 Joyent 公司
- A changing of the guard in Nodeland.
- Node.js 和 io.js 在 Node 基金会下合并情况
- Trace - Node.js 微服务的可视化监控工具
- Trace is a visualized microservice monitoring tool that gets you all the metrics you need when operating microservices.
- 4.0 版本发布,即新的 1.0 版本
- Node v4.2.0,首个长期支持版本(LTS)
- Apigee,RisingStack 和 Yahoo 加入 Node.js 基金会
- Node Interactive
- The first annual Node.js conference by the Node.js Foundation
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
- v1.0.0 初始化版本
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